1. Create a Document 2. Release Batch 3. Release Step 4. Requisition Import 5. View Requisition 6. Auto Create Purchase Order & Approve 7, Create OSP Challan Oracle Financial of India > Transactions > Outside Processing View Tax & Approve the OSP Transaction. 8. Print Challan Oracle Financial of India > Transactions > Print Challan 9. Run India - Outside Processing Challan View Output 10. Create Material Slip Click on Picking & find Select the Pick rule & transact Move Slip generated 11. Transact Move Order Material at the OSP location 12. Receive Material Confirm Taxes & Save. 13. Approve Receipt in OSP transaction 14. Run Request Resource Transactions Manager 15. View Steps in Batch 16. Transact Material ( WIP issue & Completion) in batch 17. Complete Batch 18. View Cost